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25 March 2020
Solemnity of the Annunciation
To the Xavier School Class of 2020:
As I write this, the number of Covid-19-positive cases in our country continues to rise. There are now more than 600. The healthcare industry is overstretched, and many of us in the private sector are trying our best to help the country survive this pandemic with as few fatalities as possible.
This worldwide crisis has meant the uncertain postponement of your graduation ceremonies, the cancellation of the IB exams in San Juan, and the Seniors’ Dance in Nuvali, among other special activities. What should have been a long summer break for you after the hard work of completing high school is now a time of being confined to the home. This is not how high school is supposed to end. This is not what you expected.
Most of you were born in the months after 9/11 in 2001. Your parents brought you into the world at a scary time, when the world’s most powerful country became vulnerable. Despite the technological advances since then that turned you into digital natives and laid the foundations for a more connected and harmonized world, we all know that there is so much hatred and division around us, not least on social media.
The circumstances surrounding your birth and your transition to adulthood are stark reminders of the kind of world you are facing. It is quite normal to have fears and anxieties, to feel bad about the situation. We are all afraid, and we all face uncertainty.
Today, I want to assure you that despite the physical distance that we must observe for now, your mentors in school are here for you, accompanying you and rooting for you as you go out into the world beyond Xavier. We have had no opportunity for proper goodbyes, but you are all very much in our thoughts and prayers.
To each one of you, I say, hang on! Find productive things to do that can help others during this crisis. You cannot go out, but you can journey inwards. Continue to feed your minds. Don’t nurture feelings of loss and despair, but instead imagine the kind of world you would like to help create. Envision how you will do Magis and be persons for others! You have experienced much darkness in the world, how will you bring in more light? How will you live “Luceat Lux”?
We recall the Annunciation to Mary today. She was a bit younger than you are now when she was called to become the mother of Jesus under mysterious circumstances. She listened, she discerned her response, and she decided to place herself at God’s disposal. I pray that each one of you may learn to do the same.
Xavier School will always be your alma mater, the mother of your soul. Don’t ever hesitate to come home.
Fr. Aristotle Dy, S.J.
The grade 2 Star Scouts had their investiture last September 23, 2019.
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