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Xaverians Let Their Light Shine in Mathematics Competitions
Xavier School Nuvali proudly congratulates the following Xaverians who have recently participated in different international mathematics competitions:
International Talent Mathematics Competition 2023 (Bangkok, Thailand)
Reine Christian Adriel B. Lantin (Bronze Award)
Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Competition 2022
Andrei Jefferson G. Arre
Nina Rosa Carmela V. Bascon
Margaret Paula D. Bacani
Marcus Abraham B. Cho
Juan Gonzalo N. De Guzman
Joshua Xavier U. Diaz
Timothy Nathan T. Escolar
Mikael Antonio P. Lopez
Claire Emmanuelle D. Nagasan
Stephen Andrei B. Sagun
Joshua Gabriel C. Santos
Ivana Maree S. Tan
Wesley Trisha Marjolaine C. Tan
Miguel Jose Carlos V. Yulo
Jeia Elise P. Arellano
Reine Christian Adriel B. Lantin
Karel Jane A. Palermo
Henry Aizerel C. Uy
Jeffrey Morgan Y. Chua
Keith Xander A. Chua
Raynard Andre S. De Gracia
Aidan Dominic U. Diaz
Alphonso Miguel M. Jastia
Gelffrey Kong Hawk P. Ng
Noel Stephen M. Dequito
Ivana Maree S. Tan (Certificate of Distinction, Intermediate Division)
Keith Xander A. Chua (Certificate of Distinction, Senior Division)
Noel Stephen M. Dequito (Certificate of Distinction, Senior Division)
Henry Aizerel C. Uy (Certificate of Distinction, Senior Division)
Noel Stephen M. Dequito (Honor Roll)
25th Philippine Mathematical Olympiad, Qualifying Round
Erik Nathan B. Estiva
Nathan Cedrique G. Sze
Diego Vicente Y. Sotto
Kurt Lian L. Bragais
Andrei Jefferson G. Arre
Ivana Maree S. Tan
Raven Chloe L. Bautista
Annika Sophia F. Virola
Heidi Kolyn V. Palupit
Kezia Thea Franchesca M. Silang
Jacquelyn Mae L. Estur
Joshua Gabriel C. Santos
Anna Elizabeth D. Cerezo
Karel Jane A. Palermo
Noel Stephen M. Dequito
Area Stage Qualifier:
Noel Stephen M. Dequito
American Mathematics Olympiad 2022
Erik Nathan B. Estiva (Bronze Award)
Singa Global Math Competition 2022
Erik Nathan B. Estiva (Bronze Award)
Australian Math Competition 2022
Erik Nathan B. Estiva (Distinction)
Luceat lux, Xaverians!
City of Calamba Champions of the 2018 Dep-Ed Provincial Meet; XSN Athletes among Team Members
The primary level students celebrate Literacy Month with the theme: "Into the Reading-verse"
XSN Sparkle - August 2022